Exercise Might Slow Brain Shrinkage in Alzheimer's Patients (HealthDay)
HealthDay - MONDAY, July 14 (HealthDay News) -- Men and women with early-stageAlzheimer's disease who were more physically fit also had larger brainscompared to their counterparts in less stellar shape.Do you have a cupboard full of vitamin supplements that you take only sporadically or hardly ever take? I have seen many such cupboards, and clients coming to see me with bagfuls of supplement containers along with a confused look on their faces. Random popping of various supplements is unlikely to make you notice a significant improvement. If you don't know exactly why you are taking a specific supplement it is hard to stay motivated and take it regularly, and actually benefit.
Don't get me wrong here; there is nothing wrong with the idea of taking various supplements, just that they are often taken for the wrong reasons and without specific intent. Supplements are actually a great tool when used with and individual plan to boost your health and energy.
3 Reasons Not to Take Supplements
1. Because They Make the News
...and is touted as the latest and the greatest for your health that month. Because your best friend, sister or other person in your life takes a supplement. This does not mean that it is not beneficial to you; it just means that you need to do some research to see if it is something you will benefit from.
2. When They are Synthetic
Synthetic supplements may be identical in the bio-chemical structure to the buy bulk fructo oligosaccharides fos version, BUT bio-physically, how the nutrient works inside the body, it is not nearly as beneficial. This is because nutrients as nature presents them also come with non-physical properties that are beneficial to the non-physical parts of your being.
3. Instead of a Healthy Diet
Supplements are not instead of eating a healthy diet, they are just what the name implies, a supplementation, not a replacement, for a healthy diet.
Now, let's look at when you should use supplements to create greater health and more energy in your life.
3 Ways to Get Started on Your Individual Supplementation Plan
1. Medical Conditions, Glandular Imbalances or Pharmaceutical Drugs
Do you have any medical conditions? Glandular imbalances? Or do you regularly take pharmaceutical drugs on a regular basis? The answer to these questions is the foundation to understanding your individual supplementation needs. A medical condition may indicate a greater need for a specific nutrient or a caution. A glandular imbalance may indicate targeted support. Pharmaceutical drugs use up nutrients as they are metabolized, and you need to understand which nutrients the drug(s) you are taking and supplement those nutrients on a regular basis to avoid depletion.
2. Temporary Demands
Learn to understand how you can support yourself with the use of supplements during demanding life situations or events. A couple of examples are a greater need for B-complex during a stressful time, and the benefit of vitamin C as an anti-oxidant when you have old mercury fillings removed.
3. Seasonal Demands
I change mine and my family's supplementation with the seasons to make sure we always get enough vitamin D through out the year. Vitamin D is essential for bone health, good mood and has cancer preventative properties. During the winter months, basically from October to April, if you live in a part of the world where the sun does not raise very high, you will benefit from supplementing with vitamin D. The best way to do so is to take a tsp of cod liver oil daily; this will also give you the EFA's (essential fatty acids like Omega-3), essential for brain function and immunity. During the rest of the year when you get vitamin D from sun exposure, switch to a regular fish oil to get the EFA's alone.
Individual supplementation and an individual diet go hand in hand for great energy. I would like to offer you free access my to special report "Your Individual Diet - Eating for More Energy, Better Sleep & Clearer Thinking". You can get it now by going to http://www.AnnikaEk.com
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From Annika Ek - True Health & Life Purpose Coach OakTree Holistic Natural Health Clinic