Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Nigerian state, Pfizer resume talks over drug trial (Reuters)

Reuters - Nigeria's northern Green Tea Pe 98 (40 Egcg) 250g of Kano has resumed settlement talks with Pfizer Inc over a 1996 drug test that Nigeria says caused the death of 11 children and left dozens more disabled, lawyers said on Tuesday.

Having a serious illness is bad enough, but at learning that Aspartame may be the cause for diseases such as Lupus, M.S, Fibromyalgia and Cancer is downright bewildering. In this article we will look at the claims against artificial sweeteners and allegations that it's causing serious disease.

Let's start with exactly what Aspartame is, common symptoms and disease claimed wholesale bulk shipping to australia be associated with its use, the Aspartame - diet relationship, and sweet, healthy alternatives.

What is Aspartame?

Aspartame is a sugar substitute that was discovered in 1965. It is 200x more sweet than natural sugar and is marketed as a product to help our never ending quest to be slim.

The chemical make up of Aspartame

Aspartame contains 50% phenylalanine. According to the 1976 Grolier's Encyclopedia, 'cancer cannot live without phenylalanine'.

Many advocates of Aspartame claim that phenylalanine is an amino acid and safe. However, this is true when amino acids work in the appropriate context and proportion to other substances in the body. In this case, one amino acid dominates (as with regular Aspartame consumption) and the result is the 'seizure threshold in the body is lowered'.

Another 40% of Aspartame is aspartic acid. This has been linked with creating lesions in mice brains and other lab animals resulting in brain ginkgo biloba nutritional supplements online This ingredient is also known to break down into a substance known as methanol, 10% wood alcohol by weight, plus formaldehyde, formic acid and DKP or diketopiperazine, (a brain tumor agent).

When Aspartame reaches 85 degrees (or higher), it breaks down into the purchase bulk green tea powder extract components. Since our body temperature is 98.6 degrees on average, it takes about 10 minutes after ingesting to start its toxic transformation.

Aspartame and Disease

Many people believe toxicity creates symptoms similar to many dangerous diseases (see below) and have been diagnosed in error as a result of Aspartame reactions.

Dr. Janet Hull, a nutritional expert says: "As a nutritionist, over ninety percent of my clients experience some form of health problem associated with Aspartame: weight gain, hair loss, severe medical ailments, eating disorders, mental disorders, and fatigue." After eliminating its usage, health has for some returned back to normal. Dr. Hull claims "Eight out of ten of my clients have health symptoms that disappear when they stop using Aspartame."

Aspartame side effects are indicative to your genetic individuality and physical weaknesses. It is important to identify which side effects (if in fact any) Aspartame is creating within you." Side effects can be immediate, occur gradually or be acute reactions.

If you are a high-use Aspartame user consuming quantities of diet sodas, coffee with sweeteners, or regularly consume foods made with this product it may be an idea to consider a change to your diet practices.

However, due to the quantity of foods now including Aspartame, it is important to become an avid reader of food labels as well. NutraSweet, Equal, and Spoonful are all common brand names for Aspartame that you'll want to watch for in addition to 'low calorie' and 'diet' products.

Keep in mind, although many of the diseases associated with Aspartame are not necessarily fatal, methanol toxicity is.

Aspartame has been linked to trigger, or mimic the following illnesses:

  • Epilepsy
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Epstein-Barr
  • Post-Polio Syndrome
  • Lyme Disease
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Lupus
  • Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Grave's Disease
  • Meniere's Disease
  • Alzheimer's Disease
  • ALS

Aspartame and diet - Just how effective is it?

Although Aspartame is marketed as a product helpful for weight loss, according to the American Cancer Society it actually may cause people to gain weight. Why? Because Aspartame users often experience carbohydrate and sugar cravings, which then lead to an over-consumption of food.

In addition to these enhanced cravings, the chemically altered sodium (salt) is believed to be stored in fat cells in the hips and thighs. Not exactly what diet seekers are looking for!

Common symptoms claimed to be linked with Aspartame:

Some other side effects that may be linked to Aspartame use you should be aware of also include:

  • Headaches/migraines
  • Loss of balance
  • Memory loss
  • Dizziness
  • Depression
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Mood disorders
  • Hearing impairment
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Speech problems (slurred speech)
  • Seizures
  • Joint pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Chest pain
  • Arrhythmia
  • Menstrual complications
If you're an avid Aspartame user and have noticed any of the above issues or symptoms stated above, it may be helpful to eliminate Aspartame from your diet and work with a health expert to see if any of your symptoms show any improvement.

Since many doctors do not consider this product a health danger, working with an alternative health expert such as a naturopath may prove beneficial in determining if Aspartame is a causal factor in your symptoms.

Here is a list of common foods to watch out for that may include Aspartame:

Jello's and puddings, frozen foods, iced tea, Crystal Light, Kool Aid, cereal, baked goods, hot chocolate, dried fruit, chewing gum, multi-vitamins (children's and adults), chewable aspirin, ...and that's just a few for starters.

Remember, there are thousands of foods made with this product in our grocery stores, so consider taking an extra few minutes and start to keep track of the food you may want to avoid if you'd like to eliminate this chemical from your diet and note any health changes or benefits.

Some sweet solutions to Aspartame

If you want to sweeten up your foods, a few of the most common healthy alternatives include: blackstrap molasses, stevia, honey, evaporated cane juice, fruit juice, rice syrup, small amounts of licorice root, and barley malt.

There are also several good resources for additional products you can easily access as in addition to these items.

If in doubt... see how YOU feel

I am not a medical doctor or liscenced health specialist. I have however, turned around a so-called 'incurable' disease myself (Lupus) and believe that we all have a personal responsibility for our own health and must not rely on doctors alone. Even within the medical community it is common to see conflicting information on what we should or shouldn't do as it concerns our health and what is safe.

There is currently a strong movement calling for natural, healthy alternatives for foods, treatment of disease and lifestyle options that are challenging the often inefficient and ineffective methods of the medical and pharmaceutical approach.

I hope you take it upon yourself to consider your own 'Aspartame' health test and see if you have any improvement in any condition or unwanted physical symptoms you may be experiencing in your own life. What matters most are 'results' that may affect the future of your health.

For more information on buy wholesale cinnamon powder extract related issues, lupus diet do's and don't s and natural healing solutions please visit http://www.Healing-Lupus.com

For more information on Dr. Hull's research on Aspartame please visit Sweetpoison.com the resource used for this article.

Stacey Becker is the author of 'I Don't Have Lupus Anymore', at http:http://www.Healing-Lupus.com. It is a true story about how she and others have healed Lupus. The book is a practical guide with a holistic approach to healing that addresses: Lupus diet do's and don't s, nutrition, supplements, stress, answers to common (and uncommon) Lupus questions, self-healing strategies including meditation and visualization, the power of intention, faith, plus many other important factors helpful in reversing disease through natural means.

Stacey's buy wholesale enzyme coQ10 is one of hope, since patients are told there is no Lupus cure and believe they must live with it for the rest of their life. Visit her site for a free mini course and newsletter on how to empower your health if you or a loved one has Lupus or an auto-immune disease.


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